Results for 'Joie P. Jones'

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  1.  34
    Ultrasonic Acupuncture and the Correlation Between Acupuncture Stimulation and the Activation of Associated Brain Cortices Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.Joie P. Jones - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (5):362-370.
    Using medical imaging techniques, such as fMRI, the stimulation of certain acupuncture points can be shown to correlate with activity in corresponding regions of the brain. Identical activity is also seen if the acupoint is stimulated with a pulse of ultrasound rather than a needle. This article reviews the advantages offered by ultrasonic acupuncture and the impact on the practice of acupuncture.
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    Pranic Healing: Documenting Use, Expectations, and Perceived Benefits of a Little-Known Therapy in the United States.Tonya L. Schuster, Maritza Jauregui, Mary D. Clark & Joie P. Jones - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (3).
    The aim of this exploratory study was to examine client demographics and expectations, reasons for use, sensations during treatment, and perceived outcomes of Pranic Healing, an energy healing system lacking in scientific documentation but whose use in the general population is becoming more widespread internationally. This study consisted of a cross-sectional survey of adults (18+ years of age) receiving care from 12 Pranic Healing practices in four different states in the U.S. (N = 179) completing online questionnaires. Closed-ended response sets (...)
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    Cycling progenitors maintain epithelia while diverse cell types contribute to repair.David P. Doupé & Philip H. Jones - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (5):443-451.
    It has recently been shown that stem and progenitor cells undergo population self‐renewal to maintain epithelial homeostasis. The fate of individual cells is stochastic but the production of proliferating and differentiating cells is balanced across the population. This new paradigm, originating in mouse epidermis and since extended to mouse oesophagus and mouse and Drosophila intestine, is in contrast to the long held model of epithelial maintenance by exclusively asymmetric division of stem cells. Recent lineage tracing studies have now shown that (...)
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    Adapting lung cancer symptom investigation and referral guidelines for general practitioners in Australia: Reflections on the utility of the ADAPTE framework.Samantha P. Chakraborty, Kay M. Jones & Danielle Mazza - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (2):129-135.
  5.  25
    Average correlations vs. correlated averages.William P. Dunlap, Marshall B. Jones & Alvah C. Bittner - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (3):213-216.
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    Spirit in Man. [REVIEW]K. P. L. & Rufus M. Jones - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):26.
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    Thermai expansion of aluminium at low temperatures.Eva Huzan, C. P. Abbiss & G. O. Jones - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (62):277-285.
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    Does intraocular straylight predict night driving visual performance? Correlations between straylight levels and contrast sensitivity, halo size, and hazard recognition distance with and without glare.Judith Ungewiss, Ulrich Schiefer, Peter Eichinger, Michael Wörner, David P. Crabb & Pete R. Jones - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:910620.
    PurposeTo evaluate the relationship between intraocular straylight perception and: (i) contrast sensitivity (CS), (ii) halo size, and (iii) hazard recognition distance, in the presence and absence of glare.Subjects and methodsParticipants were 15 (5 female) ophthalmologically healthy adults, aged 54.6–80.6 (median: 67.2) years. Intraocular straylight (log s) was measured using a straylight meter (C-Quant; Oculus GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany). CS with glare was measured clinically using the Optovist I device (Vistec Inc., Olching, Germany) and also within a driving simulator using Landolt Cs. (...)
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    Recommendations for Nanomedicine Human Subjects Research Oversight: An Evolutionary Approach for an Emerging Field.Leili Fatehi, Susan M. Wolf, Jeffrey McCullough, Ralph Hall, Frances Lawrenz, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Cortney Jones, Stephen A. Campbell, Rebecca S. Dresser, Arthur G. Erdman, Christy L. Haynes, Robert A. Hoerr, Linda F. Hogle, Moira A. Keane, George Khushf, Nancy M. P. King, Efrosini Kokkoli, Gary Marchant, Andrew D. Maynard, Martin Philbert, Gurumurthy Ramachandran, Ronald A. Siegel & Samuel Wickline - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):716-750.
    Nanomedicine is yielding new and improved treatments and diagnostics for a range of diseases and disorders. Nanomedicine applications incorporate materials and components with nanoscale dimensions where novel physiochemical properties emerge as a result of size-dependent phenomena and high surface-to-mass ratio. Nanotherapeutics and in vivo nanodiagnostics are a subset of nanomedicine products that enter the human body. These include drugs, biological products, implantable medical devices, and combination products that are designed to function in the body in ways unachievable at larger scales. (...)
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    Expectations for Function and Independence by Childhood Brain Tumors Survivors and Their Mothers.Matthew S. Lucas, Lamia P. Barakat, Nora L. Jones, Connie M. Ulrich & Janet A. Deatrick - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):233-251.
    Survivors of childhood brain tumors face many obstacles to living independently as adults. Causes for lack of independence are multifactorial and generally are investigated in terms of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial treatment–related sequelae. Little is known, however, about the role of expectation for survivors’ function. From a mixed–methods study including qualitative interviews and quantitative measures from 40 caregiver–survivor dyads, we compared the data within and across dyads, identifying four distinct narrative profiles: (A) convergent expectations about an optimistic future, (B) convergent (...)
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    The role of corporate counsel in the new governance model: sound policy or another quick fix?Hugh P. Gunz, Sally P. Gunz & Robert V. A. Jones - 2004 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (2):126-136.
    The role of corporate counsel in the corporate governance process has been long overlooked. This paper uses recent comments by Breeden as the springboard for a discussion of the issues surrounding significant roles for lawyers in corporations. It considers these both from a practical and a theoretical perspective and identifies why it is problematic merely to assume hiring lawyers will ensure good compliance both in terms of legal and ethical obligations.
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    Parasite annexins – New molecules with potential for drug and vaccine development.Andreas Hofmann, Asiah Osman, Chiuan Yee Leow, Patrick Driguez, Donald P. McManus & Malcolm K. Jones - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (11):967-976.
    In the last few years, annexins have been discovered in several nematodes and other parasites, and distinct differences between the parasite annexins and those of the hosts make them potentially attractive targets for anti‐parasite therapeutics. Annexins are ubiquitous proteins found in almost all organisms across all kingdoms. Here, we present an overview of novel annexins from parasitic organisms, and summarize their phylogenetic and biochemical properties, with a view to using them as drug or vaccine targets. Building on structural and biological (...)
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  13. Jakob Andersson. Kingship in the Early Mesopotamian Onomasticon 2800–2200 b. c. e. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Semitica Upsaliensia, 28. Up-psala: Uppsala University Library, 2012. Pp. xxxix, 440. SEK 392 (pb.). ISBN 978-91-554-8270-1. [REVIEW]S. Bartsch O'Gorman, S. M. Goldberg, E. Paratore, N. P. Miller, P. V. Jones, D. S. Levene, R. Martin, R. Syme, J. Ginsburg & C. Pelling - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (1):149-154.
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    Sex-contingent face aftereffects depend on perceptual category rather than structural encoding.P. E. G. Bestelmeyer, B. C. Jones, L. M. DeBruine, A. C. Little, D. I. Perrett, A. Schneider, L. L. M. Welling & C. A. Conway - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):353-365.
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  15.  41
    The Conceptual Boundaries of Sport for the Disabled: Classification and Athletic Performance.Carwyn Jones & P. David Howe - 2005 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 32 (2):133-146.
  16.  75
    Deprivation of liberty safeguards: how prepared are we?P. Lepping, R. S. Sambhi & K. Williams-Jones - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3):170-173.
    The Mental Health Act 2007 introduced Deprivation of Liberty safeguards into the Mental Capacity Act 2005 with potentially far reaching resource implications. There appears to be no scientific data regarding the prevalence of deprivation of liberty in clinical settings such as hospitals and nursing homes. We examined how many patients across a whole Trust area in Wales were subject to some lack of capacity, how well documented this was and how many were potentially deprived of their liberty. We found that (...)
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    Atom location by channelling-enhanced microanalysis and the ordering of Ti2AlNb.P. M. Sarosi, J. A. Hriljac & I. P. Jones - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (35):4031-4044.
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    Calvus Ex Nanneianis.P. W. Fulford-Jones - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (1):183-185.
    Cic. Att. i. 16. 5. Nosti calvum ex Nanneianis ilium, ilium laudatorem meum, de cuius oratione erga me honorifica ad te scripseram. …In a recent article Dr. T.P.Wiseman has vigorously attacked the almost universally accepted view that the person to whom Cicero here alludes is Crassus, urging instead that the villain of the piece is C. Licinius Macer Calvus, and proposed νєανίαις for the manuscript reading Nanneianis with which he would, I imagine, be unhappy, as others have been before him, (...)
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  19. A Hotbed of Genius: The Scottish Enlightenment. Daiches & P. Jones (eds.) - 1986 - Edinburgh University Press.
  20. The teaching of medical ethics in the Norringham Medical School.J. S. P. Jones - 1976 - Journal of Medical Ethics 2 (2):83.
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  21.  13
    A Study of Nietzsche.P. H. Jones - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (120):250-251.
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    Authors’ Response: The M-N-L Framework: Bringing Radical Constructivist Theories to Daily Teaching Practices.P. Borg, D. Hewitt & I. Jones - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (1):83-90.
    Upshot: We seek to address several questions and statements made in the commentaries by elaborating on the four main aspects of the M-N-L framework. Before doing so, we discuss the issue of constructivist teaching in the context of schools. We conclude by hypothesizing on what would be lost in the M-N-L framework by taking constructivism out of the picture.
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    Agricultural Economics.R. P. Duncan-Jones - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):116-.
  24.  33
    Curatores Rei Publicae.R. P. Duncan-Jones - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):252-.
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    Three universal representations of recursively enumerable sets.James P. Jones - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (2):335-351.
    In his celebrated paper of 1931 [7], Kurt Gödel proved the existence of sentences undecidable in the axiomatized theory of numbers. Gödel's proof is constructive and such a sentence may actually be written out. Of course, if we follow Gödel's original procedure the formula will be of enormous length.Forty-five years have passed since the appearance of Gödel's pioneering work. During this time enormous progress has been made in mathematical logic and recursive function theory. Many different mathematical problems have been proved (...)
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    The creation and accommodation of extrinsic dislocations at grain boundaries.P. R. Howell, A. R. Jones, A. Horsewell & B. Ralph - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (1):21-31.
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  27. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert go to Washington: Television satirists outside the box.Jeffrey P. Jones, Geoffrey Baym & Amber Day - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (1):33-60.
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    Negotiating Between Learner and Mathematics: A Conceptual Framework to Analyze Teacher Sensitivity Toward Constructivism in a Mathematics Classroom.P. Borg, D. Hewitt & I. Jones - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (1):59-69.
    Context: Constructivist teachers who find themselves working within an educational system that adopts a realist epistemology, may find themselves at odds with their own beliefs when they catch themselves paying closer attention to the knowledge authorities intend them to teach rather than the knowledge being constructed by their learners. Method: In the preliminary analysis of the mathematical learning of six low-performing Year 7 boys in a Maltese secondary school, whom one of us taught during the scholastic year 2014-15, we constructed (...)
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  29. State in Shakespeare's Greek and Roman Plays.P. F. Jones - 1941 - Classical Weekly 35:226-227.
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    Language and the Pursuit of TruthThe Pronunciation of English.P. P. Brown, John Wilson & Daniel Jones - 1957 - British Journal of Educational Studies 5 (2):185.
  31.  83
    The fuzziness of “paganism”.Christopher P. Jones - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):249-254.
    The subject of “the last pagans” or “the end of paganism” in the Greco-Roman world has interested scholars for over a century but begs the question “What is paganism?” Is the term usable as a tool of analysis? It originates from the Latin paganus, meaning “villager,” “rustic,” and reflects the way that Latin speakers viewed early Christianity as a phenomenon of the countryside, much as the English heathen, or German Heide, derives from a root meaning “heath.” Greek-speaking Christians, by contrast, (...)
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    Bad Blood Thirty Years Later: A Q&A with James H. Jones.James H. Jones & Nancy M. P. King - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):867-872.
    Historian James H. Jones published the first edition of Bad Blood, the definitive history of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, in 1981. Its clear-eyed examination of that research and its implications remains a bioethics classic, and the 30-year anniversary of its publication served as the impetus for the reexamination of research ethics that this symposium presents. Recent revelations about the United States Public Health Service study that infected mental patients and prisoners in Guatemala with syphilis in the late 1940s in (...)
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    The domain structure of ferromagnetic films electrodeposited on rolled copper substrates.G. A. Jones, D. P. Oxley & R. S. Tebble - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (113):993-1005.
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    The use of reduced parameters in many-beam electron diffraction theory.I. P. Jones - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (2):311-330.
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    A New Babylonian Planetary Model in a Greek Source.Alexander Jones & John P. Britton - 2000 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54 (4):349-373.
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    Bioethics in Context: Moral, Legal, and Social Perspectives.Gary E. Jones & Joseph P. DeMarco - 2016 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    In _Bioethics in Context_, Gary Jones and Joseph DeMarco connect ethical theory, medicine, and the law, guiding readers toward a practical and legally grounded understanding of key issues in health-care ethics. This book is uniquely up-to-date in its discussion of health-care law and unpacks the complex web of American policies, including the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Useful case studies and examples are embedded throughout, and a companion website offers a thorough, curated database of relevant legal precedents as (...)
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  37.  25
    A monument from Sinope: (plate VIa).Christopher P. Jones - 1988 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 108:193-194.
  38.  31
    Tandava Laksanam: Or the Fundamentals of Ancient Hindu Dancing.Clifford R. Jones, B. V. Narayanaswami Naidu, P. Srinivasululu Naidu & O. V. Rangayya Pantulu - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):340.
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    The Physical Measurement and Specification of Color.L. A. Jones & P. Reeves - 1920 - Psychological Review 27 (6):453-465.
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    Juvenal 8.220.C. P. Jones - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (03):313-.
  41.  28
    If It Feeds, It Leads: Food Journalism, Care Ethics, and Nourishing Democracy.Joseph P. Jones - 2023 - Journal of Media Ethics 38 (3):132-145.
    This project explores the ethical obligations of food journalists. Using history, normative, and feminist theory, I argue that if specific media is going to be considered food journalism, then we should be able to identify its service to citizens. This project thus seeks a unified view for evaluating the democratic and caring potential of food journalism. I outline some of the contours of quality food journalism – its principles, practices and forms – through both historical and contemporary examples. I show (...)
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  42.  32
    The Olympieion and the Hadrianeion at Ephesos.C. P. Jones - 1993 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 113:149-152.
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    Broadening Our Understanding of Human Resource Management for Improved Environmental Performance.Jone L. Pearce, Anne-Laure P. Winkler & Florencio F. Portocarrero - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (1):14-53.
    This article evaluates the effect of different human resource management (HRM) practices on organizations’ environmental performance. We develop a model to evaluate the influence of a broad range of HRM practices, including environmental performance criteria in managers’ performance evaluations and two types of internal corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices: socially responsible employee benefits and corporate volunteering practices. To this end, we analyze a sample of 142 manufacturing companies that have completed B Lab’s Impact Assessment process to certify their environmental performance. (...)
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  44.  9
    A Syrian in Lyon.C. P. Jones - 1978 - American Journal of Philology 99 (3):336.
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    Classification of Quantifier Prefixes Over Diophantine Equations.Some Diophantine Forms of Godel's Theorem.Universal Diophantine Equation.Exponential Diophantine Representation of Recursively Enumerable Sets.Register Machine Proof of the Theorem on Exponential Diophantine Representation of Enumerable Sets.James P. Jones, Verena H. Dyson, John C. Shepherdson & J. P. Jones - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (2):477-479.
  46. 'Art' and 'Moderation' in Hume's Essays.P. Jones - 1979 - In D. F. Norton, N. Capaldi & W. Robison, McGill Hume Studies. Austin Hill Press.
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    Homer: German Scholarship in Translation.P. V. Jones & G. M. Wright - 1997 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book translates into English ten influential articles and extracts from books about Homer written in German over the past fifty years. The work of prestigious scholars such as Wolfgang Schadenwaldt, Karl Reinhardt, and Hermann Fraenkel are represented. These key works, which cover such topics as similes, the end of the Odyssey, the adventures of Odysseus, the meeting of Hector and Andromache, ring-composition, the Telemachy, and Homeric social life will now become easily accessible for the first time to teachers and (...)
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  48. A Critical Outline of Collingwood's Philosophy of Art.P. Jones - 1972 - In Michael Krausz, Critical essays on the philosophy of R. G. Collingwood. Oxford,: Clarendon Press. pp. 42-65.
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    A speech of the Emperor Hadrian.Christopher P. Jones - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (1):266-273.
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    Claudia Horst, Marc Aurel. Philosophie und politische Macht zur Zeit der Zweiten Sophistik.Christopher P. Jones - 2015 - Klio 97 (2):819-821.
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